Considering the manufacturing industry, 3D Printing has become very popular as it is used to build prototypes of all shapes and sizes to get an idea of how the end product will look before actual production. Talking of the 3D printing process, designing and modeling plays an essential role in ensuring that the end products are exemplary, and most of the designing relies on CAD. CAD Services helps manufacturing firms to digitally design a product that can be used for 3D Printing. Therefore, CAD plays an essential role in creating 3D printing models. Before getting into details about this, let’s first understand CAD briefly.
What is CAD?
CAD acronyms for Computer-Aided Design. CAD is used to create, modify, analyze, and optimize designs using digital technology. These designs are used across varied industries like architecture, construction, manufacturing, etc. It is almost impossible for today’s architects, designers, and engineers to design and model without using CAD. It has evolved with the need for visualization in almost all industries, whether AEC or manufacturing. CAD has eased out the tasks of various designing professionals with creating, modifying, and altering the designs with minimal effort.
Why is CAD Important in 3D Printing?
As stated above, CAD is used to design digital models for printed products. It enables you to visualize the object/product properties like height, width, color, and material and also build entire models. There are three types of CAD services that make designing and modeling simpler for 3D Printing. Let’s learn each of them.
1) Wireframe Modelling: This method uses wireframe lines to create a model projection. Here, all the product or object surfaces are clearly defined, including the internal components as well. This is the simplest method used to design or model simple objects that do not involve many details.
2) Surface Modelling: This method allows one to map out a visualization of the object’s outer shape to identify imperfections and enhance surface smoothness. This is quite complex to execute but provides a more accurate illustration of the object.
3) Solid Modelling: Solid modeling, likewise surface modeling, illustrates the object’s complete shape and form. In addition to the outer surface, it also depicts the inner layer allowing the model to be cut open and yielding the most accurate and detailed representation. It shows the object’s geometry precisely.
These methods have their own uniqueness and application. Each of them is used to create designs for different objects depending on the 3D printing requirement.
Also, many CAD software is available in the market with different sets of features and capabilities. Software like Autodesk Fusion 360, SolidWorks, and a few others are solely used for 3D Printing. Here, the CAD file is created from the core by scanning an existing object, and once the file is ready, it is exported to a 3D printer for Printing.
Considering the 3D printing process, CAD has become the mandate to design the object. It allows AEC professionals and manufacturers to create a 3D object model that is precise in all terms. CAD files help the 3D printer extract the necessary information, like the type, quantity, and location of the material to be used. CAD software allows for designing a 3D object, creating 2D schematics for manufacturing, and then altering and modifying the design as per the requirement. A 3D printer cannot generate a product prototype without a CAD file. In fact, a CAD-CAM file is used to create an STL file for the printer. That is with the use of a CAD model, and CAM software generates the machine code which is required for manufacturing and production.
CAD enables perfecting the designs before actual prototyping. One of the critical benefits of CAD is reducing the time and cost spent on creating physical prototypes to test out the models and their feasibilities. It also aids communication among the team with enhanced visualization depicting the alterations and modifications in the designs.
The usage of CAD is exceptionally versatile in 3D Printing, selecting the appropriate CAD software for 3D Printing as per your requirement, you can create a product or a model in a compatible file format ready for slicing. CAD application is increasingly booming for a variety of 3D printed parts. If you are to consider choosing the CAD program for your project, outsource your design requirement to the Drafting Company. There are ample in the market; evaluate them minutely and choose wisely according to your project requirement.